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Partners in crime (and Pilates)

As a not particularly fit person and complete novice to Pilates last year, I’ve found Ali and Sarah to be delightful, friendly and non-judgemental teachers.
— Sue

A small cog in a big corporate wheel and a dancer turned Japanese translator.

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If you’d have bumped into Ali and Sarah several years ago, that’s who you’d have met. But that was before they discovered Pilates.

For Ali, it was seeing the improvement in her Dad’s back pain that first attracted her to this form of exercise, while Sarah added aerobics, step aerobics and yoga to her repertoire before Pilates came along. Both fell in love with how positively it impacted them both physically and mentally, keeping them strong, flexible and sane!

Both Sarah and Ali have completed rigorous teacher training with world renowned BASI Pilates* and keep their knowledge up to date by regularly attending additional workshops on subjects such as Pilates for the mature client, injuries and pathologies and cardio barre.

When lockdown hit and neither could continue to run their physical classes, it seemed natural to join forces and go online. The virtual sessions have become so popular that they decided to keep it going! And so Pilates In Your Home was born. 

Want to read more about Ali and Sarah’s story?

Read the full blog post here.